Thursday, February 21, 2013


Howdy Jammers! Today a new item came out. The Lasso!
This item is EPIC! The lasso part is animated and it comes in three colors: brown, blue, and pink. Sadly,  this cool rope is for Members Only. :(

Also, I am sorry for not posting yestarday. I will usually not be able to post on Wednesdays, so look on a different blog if you need help on that date.

The last thing I have to share is about the raccoons. My guess was wrong, and now I think they are coming out NEXT Thursday! And remember: it takes a long time for AJHQ to prepare new animals and even new ITEMS. So don't complain that they arn't fast enough and be a good sport.

Well, that's all for today! See you online! :-D
-Magical Prettywolf

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Hey there AJ fans! This info came out in the last Jamaa Journal. Raccoons will be coming to Animal Jam!
Headquarters did not give the exact date of this animal's arrival, but I suspect it will be coming this Thursday, so keep your eye open Jammers!

That's all for right now! See you online!
-Magical Prettywolf

Cowboy Boots

Hi everyone! Today a new item came out in the Jam Mart Clothing Shop. Cowboy Boots:
I have to say, I'm kinda mad about the title of this item. If you look at the heading, it says CowBOY Boots:
You all now there are Cowgirls, so I don't understand why there arn't CowGIRL Boots.

Don't worry ladies. I am going to send a message to AJHQ about this "mishap". >:-T

  Thanks for listening! See you online! :)
  -Magical Prettywolf

Monday, February 18, 2013

Best Friends

Hey Jammers! This post is going to be about best friends.
This is a picture of me and my friend, Gorgeous Prettyeyes:
(Gorgeous: left, Me: right)

The basic idea of this post is to tell you about how good it is to have friends. They help you out, you hang out with them, and they always have your back at the worst times.

I will post more of my BFFs soon. Comment on what you think!
That's all for now! See you online!!!
-Magical Prettywolf

Rare Item Monday

Hi there Jammers! Today is the most exciting day of the week: Rare Item Monday! Today's is a Rare Blue Firefighter Hat.
This cool item is located on the fifth page of Jam Mart Clothing. Unfortunatly, this rare is for members only. I personally think there should be more rare items for nonmembers. I even thought about suggesting a nonmember party! Comment and tell you what you think!

Well, that's all for now. See you online! :D
-Magical Prettywolf

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Curly Wig

Whats up Jammers? Today AJ sent out another new item: the Curly Wig.

I think they ment for this wig to be for girls and the hat and wig for boys. Comment and tell what you think!
 That's all for now! See you online!
 -Magical Prettywolf

 P.S. I have another blog called! I will put a link up for it soon. See what you think!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Paradise Party!

Hey Jammers! As you all probably know, there is a new party on AJ called Paradise Party! I think this party is the best AJHQ has released, but that's just my opinion. Also included in this party is a Journey Book! Like the others, you have to find certain things, and these "things" happen to be Paradise Birds. I will post where to find these birds soon.

   Thanks for listening! See you online!
   - Magical Prettywolf

New Items

Hey Jammers! Today Animal Jam released a new item: the Hat and Curly Wig!

No efense to AJHQ, but this isn't the most prettiest item they've ever released. :T

This next item was realeased yestarday, but I put it on today anyway:

It's a Cherry Tree! I saw someone with a Cherry Tree Orchard once. It was pretty cool, I have to admit!

  Well, that's all for now Jammers! See you online!
  - Magical Prettywolf


Hey there jammers! Welcome to my newest blog, Animal Jam Nation! In this blog, you can get up to date news on what's happening in Jamaa! There are will be an update almost everyday telling about new items and other info. I go on AJ all the time. (I'm addicted). My username is parris1234, so be sure to look for me while you're online.

Well, that's all for right now. See you online!
-Magical Prettywolf