Sunday, February 17, 2013

Curly Wig

Whats up Jammers? Today AJ sent out another new item: the Curly Wig.

I think they ment for this wig to be for girls and the hat and wig for boys. Comment and tell what you think!
 That's all for now! See you online!
 -Magical Prettywolf

 P.S. I have another blog called! I will put a link up for it soon. See what you think!


  1. Hey Jammers! Magical Prettywolf here. Just here to give you some info. Feel free to comment on whatever you like, but please: NO BAD WORDS OR INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR! Jammers, if you see someone breaking the rules, please report them or contact and tell me. Remember, I want this to be a happy place. I will check the comments regularly so I will see if there is anyone breaking the rules. Thanks everyone! See you online!

  2. I think is wig will look beautiful on both girls and boys.
